Friday, November 28, 2008

2008 Finals Review

Group 2 Final:

West Deptford at Delsea - Delsea wins 17-14

West Deptford is a strong team and should win this game. Look for a lot of running by both teams. WD just has more overall speed and a playoff (and finals) experienced coaching staff.

Group 1 Final:

Penns Grove at Glassboro - Glassboro wins 28-8

2008: Thanksgiving games

Williamstown 31, Delsea 14

Kingsway 27, Clearview 6

Cumberland 52, Schalick 0

Gloucester Catholic 29, Gloucester 7

Glassboro 34, Deptford 14

Woodstown 22, Salem 20

Penns Grove 28, Pennsville 0

Clayton 14, Pitman 7

Highland - bye

Wildwood - bye

2008 Tri-County Conference standings

Royal Division: (listed alphabetically when tied)

Williamstown 8-0 (9-1) - Royal Champions

Gloucester Catholic 8-1 (9-2)

Delsea 5-3 (8-3) - Group 2 Champions

Cumberland 5-3 (6-4)

Clearview 4-4 (6-4)

Kingsway 3-5 (3-7)

Woodstown 2-6 (3-7)

Deptford 1-7 (2-8)

Highland 1-7 (1-9)

Classic: (listed alphabetically when tied)

Glassboro 8-0 (12-0) - Classic division and Group 1 Champions

Penns Grove 7-1 (9-3)

Gloucester 6-2 (6-4)

Pennsville 5-3 (6-4)

Schalick 4-4 (4-6)

Pitman 2-6 (2-8)

Salem 2-6 (2-8)

Clayton 1-7 (1-8)

Wildwood 1-7 (1-7)

2008 Tri-County Rankings

I always start off my rankings where they left off in the previous year and then move teams up or down based on performance: So, the top 3 are in the same spots as they ended last year.

These rankings are final.

I no longer will be listing the computer rankings as it has been shown that they are bogus.

One change this week (Delsea and PG)!

1. Glassboro (12-0) – defending Classic Division and Group 1 South Champions
last year #1

2. Williamstown (9-1)
last year #2

3. Gloucester Catholic (9-2)
last year #3

4. Delsea (8-3)
last year #5

5. Penns Grove (9-2)
last year #9

6. Cumberland (6-4)
last year #4

7. Clearview (6-4)
last year #6

8. Gloucester (6-4)
last year #8

9. Pennsville (6-4)
last year #10

10. Kingsway (3-7)
last year #8

11. Deptford (2-8)
last year #13

12. Schalick (4-6)
last year #7

13. Woodstown (3-7)
last year #14

14. Highland (1-9)
last year #12

15. Pitman (2-8)
last year #18

16. Salem (2-8)
last year #15

17. Clayton (1-8) - moves ahead of Wildwood based on upset of Pitman; Wildwood beat Clayton but when you look at the strenght of whom each team beat, then clayton gets the nod
last year #17

18. Wildwood (1-7)
last year #19

Last year’s #15, Overbrook, has changed conferences.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Week #11 - Playoffs! and T-Day preview

Delsea 39, Haddonfield 29

Immaculata 14, Gloucester Catholic 7

Glassboro 21, Paulsboro 13 - a great hard hitting game!

Penns Grove 14, Haddon Heights 0 - another hard hitting game!

Delsea will host West Deptford in the Group 2 finals.

Glassboro will host Penns Grove in the Group 1 finals. Thus, the Tri-County is guaranteed on champion.

BUT, Thanksgiving rivaries come first:

Kingsway at Clearview - Clearview should be favored, but Kingsway could pull the upset.

Williamstown at Delsea - Williamstown has been the stronger team all year. They will be rested and not looking ahead.

Deptford at Glassboro - BORO must not be caught looking ahead, but their 2nd team can probably handle deptford this year.

Gloucester at Gloucester Catholic - This should be a hard fought game and Gloucester could pull the upset. GC has to avoid being down after playoff loss.

Cumberland at Schalick - Cumberland should win this, but.........

Pennsville at Penns Grove - Grove cannot be caught looking ahead!

Woodstown at Salem - Woodies have palyed tougher competition all year, but Salem can win if they play their best game of the year.

Clayton at Pitman - Pitman should get revenge for last year's loss

Highland (bye)

My Stupid Picks later:

Wildwood (bye)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

2008: Week #10

Bad week for conference:

Washington Twp. 28, Williamstown 22

Hammonton 42, Cumberland 21

Gloucester Catholic 37, Pope John XIII 14

Clearview 29, Winslow Twp. 25

Seneca 13, Kingsway 6

Jackson Liberty 35, Highland 7

Northern Burlington at Deptford - cancelled!!!!!

Gateway 27, Woodstown 12

Glassboro 34, Gloucester 0

Penns Grove 28, Woodbury 21

Haddon Twp. 34, Schalick 13

Paulsboro 50, Pennsville 7

Audubon 49, Pitman 0

Maple Shade 27, Salem 6

Clayton - bye

Delsea - bye

Wildwood - bye

Sunday, November 09, 2008

2008: Week #9

Delsea 48, Woodstown 14

Gloucester Catholic 35, Highland 0

Williamstown 26, Cumberland 10

Clearview 9, Deptford 0

Kingsway - bye

Glassboro 51, Pitman 0

Pennsville 29, Schalick 20

Gloucester 40, Wildwood 0

Penns Grove 22, Salem 6

Clayton - bye

My Stupid Picks:

Cumberland at Williamstown - Williamstown by 28

Gloucester Catholic at Highland - GC by 35

Delsea at Woodstown - Delsea by 35

Glassboro at Pitman - BORO by 56

Schalick at Pennsville - PV by 7

Penns Grove at Salem - PG by 35

Clearview at Deptford - View by 21

Wildwood at Gloucester - Gloucester by 42

Kingsway (bye)

Clayton (bye)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

2008: Week #8

Cumberland 17, Clearview 7

Delsea 42, Highland 7

Kingsway 34, Woodstown 7

Schalick 35, Pitman 0

Gloucester 49, Pennsville 21

Penns Grove 53, Wildwood 6

Salem 50, Clayton 6

Williamstown 42, Gloucester Catholic 7

Deptford (bye)

Glassboro (bye)

My preliminary picks (subject to change):

Clearview at Cumberland - View by 1 - I need to think about this one

Delsea at Highland - Delsea by 28-42

Woodstown at Kingsway- Woodstown by at least 1

Pitman at Schalick - Schalick by ??

Gloucester at Pennsville - Gloucester by 14

Wildwood at Penns Grove - PG by 35 or more

Salem at Clayton - Salem by 21- 35

Williamstown at Gloucester Catholic - game of the week (year?)!!!! - GC by 1? - neither of these teams have seen anything like each other since scrimmages

Deptford (bye)

Glassboro (bye)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

2008: Week #7

Williamstown 35, Kingsway 13

Gloucester Catholic 28, Cumberland 14

Clearview 47, Highland 7

Delsea 48, Deptford 12

Glassboro 35, Penns Grove 6

Pitman 34, Wildwood 14

Gloucester 32, Schalick 14

Pennsville 48, Clayton 18

Woodstown (bye)

Salem (bye)

My preliminary stupid picks:

Kingsway at Williamstown - Williamstown by 35

Gloucester Catholic at Cumberland - Cumberland by 1 - a tossup

Highland at Clearview - View by 28

Deptford at Delsea - Delsea by 28

Penns Grove at Glassboro - BORO by 21

Pitman at Wildwood - Pitman by 21

Schalick at Gloucester - Gloucester by 14

Pennsville at Clayton - Ville by 35

Woodstown (bye)

Salem (bye)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

2008: Week #6

Williamstown 41, Clearview 21

Cumberland 23, Kingsway 14

Woodstown 38, Highland 19

Glassboro 35, Gloucester 13

Schalick 56, Clayton 14

Pennsville 36, Pitman 14

Salem 36, Wildwood 0

Buena 13, Penns Grove 6

Gloucester Catholic 30, Deptford 0

Delsea (bye)

My Picks:

Clearview at Williamstown - Williamstown by 21

Cumberland at Kingsway - Cumberland by 21

Highland at Woodstown - Woodstown by 1

Gloucester at Glassboro - BORO by 21

Clayton at Schalick - Schalick by 28

Pennsville at Pitman - PV by 21

Salem at Wildwood - Salem by 14

Penns Grove at Buena - Buena by 14

Deptford at Gloucester Catholic - GC by 28

Delsea (bye)

2008: Week #5

A lot of games against the Cape-Atlantic Conference

Photos coming soon

Clearview 41, Pleasantville 27

Delsea 21, Absegami 12

Egg Harbor 36, Kingsway 16

Bridgeton 21, Highland 0

Glassboro 33, Schalick 0

Wildwood 24, Clayton 18 - 3OT

Gloucester Catholic 42, Woodstown 7

Cumberland 28, Deptford 14

Gloucester 49, Salem 8

Pennsville 27, Middle Twp. 26

Williamstown (bye)

Penns Grove (bye)

Pitman (bye)

My Stupid Picks:

Clearview at Pleasantville - View by 14

Delsea at Absegami - Delsea by 7

Kingsway at Egg Harbor - EHT by 14

Highland at Bridgeton - Bridgeton by 7

Glassboro at Schalick - BORO by 40

Clayton at Wildwood - Clayton by 14

Woodstown at Gloucester Catholic - GC by 28

Cumberland at Deptford - Cumberland by 21

Gloucester at Salem - Gloucester by 28

Middle Twp. at Pennsville - PV by 1

Williamstown (bye)

Penns Grove (bye)

Pitman (bye)

Saturday, October 04, 2008

2008: Week #4

Williamstown 42, Woodstown 0

Gloucester Catholic 42, Kingsway 35

Clearview 27, Delsea 25

Highland 14, Deptford 10

Glassboro 60, Wildwood 0

Pennsville 21, Salem 13

Gloucester 50, Clayton 12

Penns Grove 40, Pitman 0

Cumberland (bye)

Schalick (bye)

My picks:

Williamstown at Woodstown - Williamstown by 28

Gloucester Catholic at Kingsway - GC by 21

Delsea at Clearview - Delsea by 21

Deptford at Highland - Deptford by 21

Wildwood at Glassboro - BORO by 50 (mercy rule early)

Salem at Pennsville - Pennsville by 21

Gloucester at Clayton - Gloucester by 40

Pitman at Penns Grove - PG by 40

Cumberland (bye)

Schalick (bye)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

2008: Week #3

Williamstown 41, Highland 0 - no shocker here

Cumberland 49, Woodstown 7 - Woodstown finally can't hang with the big boys, but give them credit for their first 2 performances and don't get down on them for this

Gloucester Catholic 54, Delsea 26 - Defense? - look for photos of this game on my High School Football Blog (on the side bar) and on this blog

Pennsville 47, Wildwood 3 - no surprise

Deptford 13, Kingsway 3 - big upset and turning point for both teams in different directions

Schalick 14, Salem 6 - not a good sign for schalick even though they won

Penns Grove 13, Gloucester 12 - as I predicted!

Glassboro 51, Clayton 0 - mercy rule before end of 1st quarter - look for photos of this game on my High School Football Blog (on the side bar) and on this blog and on

Wilmington Friends 47, Pitman 12 - Oh well, this game was an unknown

Clearview (bye)

My picks assuming rain:

Williamstown at Highland - Williamstown by 28

Woodstown at Cumberland - Cumberland by 14

Gloucester Catholic at Delsea - Delsea by 14

Pennsville at Wildwood - Pennsville by 28

Kingsway at Deptford - Kingsway by 28

Schalick at Salem - Schalick by 14

Penns Grove at Gloucester - Grove by 1

Glassboro at Clayton - BORO by 40 in a heavy rain - but since the weather forcast is improving, I'll change this to 48

Pitman at Wilmington Friends - Pitman by 1

Clearview (bye) - good weekend to have a bye

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008: Week #2

Clearview 13, Woodstown 12 - Good job by the Woodies even though they lost

Cumberland 42 Highland 13 - Highland is on a downward spin

Delsea 35, Kingsway 7 - big showing for Delsea or is Kingsway over-rated?

Glassboro 48, Pennsville 12 - Pennsville will be ok - look for photos of this game on my High School Football Blog (on the side bar) and on this blog and on

Schalick 40, Wildwood 0 - Can't tell anything by this game

Williamstown 26, Deptford 0 - Williamstown is clearly superior in the backfield - look for photos of this game on my High School Football Blog (on the side bar) and on this blog

Penns Grove 36, Clayton 0 - closer than I would have thought

Pitman 28, Salem 14 - Good sign for Pitman

Gloucester Catholic (bye)

Gloucester (bye)

My picks:

Clearview at Woodstown - Clearview by 21 as much as I would like to see Woodstown win

Cumberland at Highland - Cumberland by 42

Kingsway at Delsea - tough one to call, but I'll go with Delsea by 7

Glassboro at Pennsville - BORO never plays their best game on this field, so BORO by 28

Wildwood at Schalick - Schalick takes out thier frustration from last week by 50

Williamstown at Deptford - I'll be at this game - on both sides - Williamstown by 35

Penns Grove at Clayton - Grove by 50

Pitman at Salem - Salem by 7

Gloucester Catholic (bye) - I'll see you guys next week at Delsea

Gloucester (bye) - I'm not sure which game you guys will be going to, but I always enjoy your company.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

2008: Week #1

My stupid picks for week #1:

Delsea at Cumberland - tough to predict, so I'll say Delsea by 1

Highland at Kingsway - Kingsway by 14

Deptford at Woodstown - Deptford by 14

Williamstown at Father Judge - Williamstown by 14

Salem at Glassboro - BORO by 40

Gloucester at Pitman - Gloucester by 50

Clayton at Middle Twp. - Clayton forfeits

Clearview at Gloucester Catholic - View by 1

Schalick at Penns Grove - Grove by 7

Pennsville (bye)

Wildwood (bye)

Play the Tri-County Challenge on the hsfootball forum:


Delsea 24, Cumberland 21 - good win for Delsea

Kingsway 41, Highland 6 - Kingsway that good or Highland that bad?

Woodstown 7, Deptford 6 (OT) - Great job for the Woodies as they welcome themselves to the Royal

Williamstown 26, Father Judge 15 - hard to judge by this game against an unknown team

Glassboro 48, Salem 0 - slow start but great 3rd quarter for the BORO

Gloucester 34, Pitman 0 - they are saying that Pitman looked better than the score - time will tell

Clayton at Middle Twp. - Clayton forfeits

Gloucester Catholic 45, Clearview 41 - look for photos of this game on my High School Football Blog (on the side bar) and on this blog - Great game!

Penns Grove 41, Schalick 0 - What has happened to Schalick?

Pennsville (bye)

Wildwood (bye)